I have created a submission task but it is created only.
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:/lustre/scratch5/rkarkee> verdi process list
PK Created Process label ♻ Process State Process status
---- --------- ---------------------- --- --------------- ----------------
8857 4m ago IRamanSpectraWorkChain ⏹ Created
Total results: 1
Report: ♻ Processes marked with check-mark were not run but taken from the cache.
Report: Add the option `-P pk cached_from` to the command to display cache source.
Report: Last time an entry changed state: 4m ago (at 08:34:44 on 2024-04-08)
Report: Checking daemon load... OK
Report: Using 0% of the available daemon worker slots.
I tried
verdi daemon stop
verdi process repair
verdi daemon start
Then, in process repair, I saw this warning:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:/lustre/scratch5/rkarkee> verdi process repair
Warning: There are active processes without process task: {8857}
Warning: Inconsistencies detected between database and RabbitMQ.
Report: Attempting to fix inconsistencies
Report: Revived process `8857`
The status is still created only. I am not sure how may I run the started task. I believe it may have something to do with the warning.
My verdi status is:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:/lustre/scratch5/rkarkee> verdi status
✔ version: AiiDA v2.5.1
✔ config: /users/rkarkee/.aiida
✔ profile: quicksetup
✔ storage: Storage for 'quicksetup' [open] @ postgresql://aiida_qs_rkarkee_20554bcc4bead70a3479c4ef8d5f1f4e:***@localhost:5434/quicksetup_rkarkee_20554bcc4bead70a3479c4ef8d5f1f4e / DiskObjectStoreRepository: 983ccf2a46b74550938fdb7753c1117f | /users/rkarkee/.aiida/repository/quicksetup/container
✔ rabbitmq: Connected to RabbitMQ v3.8.14 as amqp://guest:guest@
✔ daemon: Daemon is running with PID 85831
Also, I could not kill this task even after following the suggestion below.
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:/lustre/scratch4/turquoise/rkarkee/HfTe5/convectional> verdi process kill 8857
Error: Process<8857> is unreachable.
Report: If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:
verdi daemon stop
verdi process repair
verdi daemon start