After the longest side-quest in history of side-quests, happy to let you know for those using M1/M2 Macs that you can now install rabbitmq-server via conda-forge. This might not be best option for production use cases, but still might be nice for dev machines where you might not want to install RabbitMQ globally via your package manager.
It would be cool if somebody (@mbercx or @jusong.yu perpaps) could test that things work (we’ve done some testing already but currently don’t have access to arm machines).
Here’s roughly how you can install rabbitmq and run a subset of aiida-core test suite against it
conda create -n rmq rabbitmq-server
conda activate rmq
# This activates some management plugins that are needed for some of the tests
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-server # This will run it in a foreground, use `-detached` to run in background
# In aiida-core repo, run tests that require RabbitMQ, using sqlite backend
pytest -m "requires_rmq and not requires_psql"