Join Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024

AiiDA is again participate in Google Summer of Code (GSOC) 2024 as the sub-organization under the NumFocus umbrella!

Last year, our student @AhmedBasem20 achieved remarkable results with a project that continues to benefit the AiiDA community.

This thread is for any discussions leading up to GSOC 2024. If you’re interested in working on AiiDA as a student, use this thread to say hi and ask any questions you may have.
Have a look at our project ideas for GSOC 2024, and see the NumFOCUS guide for GSOC students.

Just as a reminder, here is an excerpt from the GSOC 2024 timeline:

February 21 - 18:00 UTC

  • List of accepted mentoring organizations published

February 22 - March 18

  • Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations

March 18 - 18:00 UTC

  • GSoC contributor application period begins

April 2 - 18:00 UTC

  • GSoC contributor application deadline

April 24 - 18:00 UTC

  • GSoC contributor proposal rankings due from Org Admins

May 1 - 18:00 UTC

  • Accepted GSoC contributor projects announced

The GSOC 2024 mentors



I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to the “Explore the AiiDA node graph in the browser” project. With prior experience in React, React-flow, JavaScript, and web development technologies, I believe I can make meaningful contributions to the project.

However, I’m seeking guidance on how to start contributing effectively. The README file suggests making PRs to repositories that are primarily Python-based and seemingly different from the project I aim to work on. Could you please provide direction on how I can begin contributing in alignment with the goals of this specific project?

Thank you for your assistance and corrections if there are any misunderstandings on my part.



:wave: I hope you’re all doing fantastic!

My name is Vinayak, and I stumbled upon the project listings of your organization for GSOC. It caught my attention, and I couldn’t help but feel excited about the possibilities they present.

As someone passionate about web development, I believe I could make meaningful contributions to your organization’s projects, so if you have any web dev tasks or issues that you think could use an extra set of hands, please let me know.

Hello everyone!

It’s great to see that there is interest in the AiiDA explorer GSoC project!

One concern that was brought up is that this project is mainly web dev/javascript based, although we encourage potential candidates to contribute mainly to the python-based aiida-core project. I fully agree and here I list some potential repositories from the materialscloud-org organization (that is closely related to the AiiDA organization) that provide potential web-dev based issues:

However, of course, any contributions to the aiidateam repositories are also very much appreciated and I see that we have already received some!

But, perhaps what’s even more important, is to have a good proposal and ideas for solving the project and potentially even a small prototype by the time of the application.

And of course, proposals for your own projects are also very welcome!

I also want to remind you that Google has some requirements for the candidates (Get Started | Google Summer of Code, e.g., age at least 18 years old), so please check that you fulfill them.

Thanks for contributing! I’ll gladly answer any questions that might come up regarding the projects!


I am a Data Engineer , my primary skills are mainly Python and Spark.
I have gone through aiida-core repo and I am very much thrilled that I can use my python knowledge to contribute in the aiida community. There is lot to learn as well and I am very much looking forward to learn and implement.



The GSoC Contribution application period started some days ago and we’ll be waiting for the project proposals! The official deadline is 2nd of April but it’s preferable to have an initial version submitted earlier for there to be time for feedback.

For the “AiiDA provenance explorer” project, I opened a general GitHub issue here, that contains more detailed information and potential requirements/suggestions from the community. This is also a potential place to discuss and ask questions about this project. In your project proposals, please try to address the points raised there.