Hello everyone!
My name is Adam Rukun Dong, and I’m a third-year BSc Computer Science student at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I came across the AiiDA Type Annotations and Multithreading Support project idea for Google Summer of Code, and I’m very excited about the possibility of contributing. I’ve been exploring the “good first issue” labels in the aiida-core GitHub repository and would love to begin by submitting a PR for one of them.
I have a strong interest in computational science and parallel programming, I’ve been exploring these through course such as Project Computational Science, Distributed and Parallel Programming, Quantum Computing, and more. In addition, I have hands-on experience in Python, C, Haskell, and C++.
I’m confident that my background in computational science, along with my practical experience in Python and concurrency, aligns well with the objectives of these projects. I’m eager to learn more, collaborate with the AiiDA community, and contribute to making computational workflows more efficient and reproducible.
I look forward to discussing these ideas further and getting involved. Thank you for your consideration, and I can’t wait to get started!
Kind regards,
+31 633688847
LinkedIn: arkdong