Cannot kill a process


I cannot kill the process 836. I do not remember where it comes from, and I do not need the calculation anymore.

But after I stop daemon, repair and restart daemon, I still cannot kill the process 836. What is the problem…

Many thanks for that.

(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi process kill 836
Warning: The daemon is not running, so processes submitted to the daemon are not reachable.
Error: Process<836> is unreachable.
Report: If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:

    verdi daemon stop
    verdi process repair
    verdi daemon start

(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$     verdi daemon stop
    verdi process repair
    verdi daemon start

Profile: quicksetup
Stopping the daemon... OK
Warning: There are active processes without process task: {836}
Critical: Inconsistencies detected between database and RabbitMQ.
Starting the daemon with 4 workers... OK
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi process list
  PK  Created    Process label    ♻    Process State    Process status
----  ---------  ---------------  ---  ---------------  ----------------------------------
 836  8D ago     PwCalculation         ⏵ Waiting        Waiting for transport task: submit

Total results: 1

Report: ♻ Processes marked with check-mark were not run but taken from the cache.
Report: Add the option `-P pk cached_from` to the command to display cache source.
Report: Last time an entry changed state: 1m ago (at 22:29:11 on 2024-02-23)
Report: Checking daemon load... OK
Report: Using 0% of the available daemon worker slots.
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$  verdi process kill 836
Error: Process<836> is unreachable.
Report: If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:

    verdi daemon stop
    verdi process repair
    verdi daemon start

(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ 

Dr. Guoyu Yang
Jimei Univ, School of Science, Digital Fujian Big Data Modeling and Intelligent Computing Institute
185 Yinjiang Rd.,
Jimei District, Xiamen,361021
Fujian, China

There might be some delay between starting the daemon again and it picking up the job, so you can kill it. Did you try verdi process kill again after waiting a bit for the daemon to fully start up. 30 seconds should be enough.

If that doesn’t work, does verdi process play work, or do you get the same unreachable error?

If you don’t care anymore about the job, you can simply delete it as well with verdi node delete 836.

I think it is the first situation. I did not do anything else. And the job disappeared now.

Dr. Guoyu Yang
Jimei Univ, School of Science, Digital Fujian Big Data Modeling and Intelligent Computing Institute
185 Yinjiang Rd.,
Jimei District, Xiamen,361021
Fujian, China