I cannot kill the process 836. I do not remember where it comes from, and I do not need the calculation anymore.
But after I stop daemon, repair and restart daemon, I still cannot kill the process 836. What is the problem…
Many thanks for that.
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi process kill 836
Warning: The daemon is not running, so processes submitted to the daemon are not reachable.
Error: Process<836> is unreachable.
Report: If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:
verdi daemon stop
verdi process repair
verdi daemon start
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi daemon stop
verdi process repair
verdi daemon start
Profile: quicksetup
Stopping the daemon... OK
Warning: There are active processes without process task: {836}
Critical: Inconsistencies detected between database and RabbitMQ.
Starting the daemon with 4 workers... OK
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi process list
PK Created Process label ♻ Process State Process status
---- --------- --------------- --- --------------- ----------------------------------
836 8D ago PwCalculation ⏵ Waiting Waiting for transport task: submit
Total results: 1
Report: ♻ Processes marked with check-mark were not run but taken from the cache.
Report: Add the option `-P pk cached_from` to the command to display cache source.
Report: Last time an entry changed state: 1m ago (at 22:29:11 on 2024-02-23)
Report: Checking daemon load... OK
Report: Using 0% of the available daemon worker slots.
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$ verdi process kill 836
Error: Process<836> is unreachable.
Report: If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:
verdi daemon stop
verdi process repair
verdi daemon start
(aiida_QE_VASP) yang@yang-Inspiron-3670:~/AiiDA/tutorial_ssh/04_vasp/test_01$
Dr. Guoyu Yang
Jimei Univ, School of Science, Digital Fujian Big Data Modeling and Intelligent Computing Institute
185 Yinjiang Rd.,
Jimei District, Xiamen,361021
Fujian, China
E-mail: 201961000100@jmu.edu.cn