I’m getting a paramiko
from the following block:
while True:
chunk_exists = False
if stdout.channel.recv_ready(): # True means that the next .read call will at least receive 1 byte
chunk_exists = True
piece = stdout.read(internal_bufsize)
except socket.timeout:
# There was a timeout: I continue as there should still be data
if stderr.channel.recv_stderr_ready(): # True means that the next .read call will at least receive 1 byte
chunk_exists = True
piece = stderr.read(internal_bufsize)
except socket.timeout:
# There was a timeout: I continue as there should still be data
# If chunk_exists, there is data (either already read and put in the std*_bytes lists, or
# still in the buffer because of a timeout). I need to loop.
# Otherwise, there is no data in the buffers, and I enter this block.
if not chunk_exists:
# Both channels have no data in the buffer
if channel.exit_status_ready():
# The remote execution is over
# I think that in some corner cases there might still be some data,
# in case the data arrived between the previous calls and this check.
# So we do a final read. Since the execution is over, I think all data is in the buffers,
# so we can just read the whole buffer without loops
# And we go out of the `while True` loop
# The exit status is not ready:
# I just put a small sleep to avoid infinite fast loops when data
# is not available on a slow connection, and loop
# I get the return code (blocking)
# However, if I am here, the exit status is ready so this should be returning very quickly
retval = channel.recv_exit_status()
…specifically from stdout_bytes.append(stdout.read())
I’m a bit confused. My report does not have any output from stdout, so I suppose this error was raised early in the calculation. For this line to trigger, both not chunk_exists
and channel.exit_status_ready()
must be true - there is no data and “the remote execution over”? But the job is still running (producing data) on the remote.
@giovannipizzi this was last touched by you. Any ideas? Your comments above the error-triggering line suggest there might be some data in the buffer? Maybe this is such a corner case? If so, why was it decided to not socket.timeout
-guard this reading?