How to obtain calculated atomic magnetic moment from public avaliable datasets

Hello, everyone! I just started to use AiiDA few days ago to retrieve calculated atomic magnetic moment from spin-polarized calculations in publicly avaliable MC3D and MC2D dataset in my research program. I’ve downloaded the database files from Materials Cloud (MC3D: Materials Cloud Archive, MC2D: Materials Cloud Archive), but I found it difficult for me to use this database. How can I use datas in these database files? Is there any tutorials about it?

Hello, I think this recent blog post might be what you are looking for!

Hi @ahxbcn,
Thanks for your post, and welcome! We hope you are enjoying your AiiDA journey so far :slight_smile:

To add to Giovanni’s response, we also recently published a blog post on getting data out of AiiDA, which can be found here:
Improvements in the ways to get your data out of AiiDA — AiiDA documentation.

Further information is also available on AiiDA’s ReadTheDocs page, e.g., here:

There are also past tutorials that cover this topic:

However, note that those guides were used in past, week-long AiiDA tutorials, and, therefore, don’t have a guarantee to fully reflect the current state of the code base. Overall, your best bet is still the ReadTheDocs of aiida-core.

Lastly, I am currently working on a feature to extract data from AiiDA to disk in a sensible directory tree structure, in this PR:

While it is still a work in progress, it might be a feature you could be interested in, so feel free to subscribe to the PR. It will allow dumping files in the same way as if the calculations were run without AiiDA, making it simpler to use common Linux CLI tools like grep. On the other hand, for programmatic access directly from AiiDA’s DB, the QueryBuilder is still the way to go. Hope this helps!