I wanted to report back about my attempts on getting multiple users on the same database and rabbitmq. I was able to follow what was mentioned in the previous post Multiple users on same RabbitMQ and Postgres database. We were able to duplicate the UUID for the profile and it worked if the original person that created the computers/codes was the one to run a daemon but ran into issues when the second person attempted to submit jobs. This is caused, I believe, from when the computer is configured with the ssh identity file which is tied to the specific user account. Obviously other users would not be able to access that file. We were able to see that data is able to be shared between different users and each user would have to initiate their own computer and codes which I can automate for them and shouldn’t be a problem.
I’m wondering if there are any other thoughts on what might be possible to get around this issue? The reason we are steering away from the originally provided option is that it relies on a single user to keep the daemon running and can be a point of failure down the road. We don’t necessarily have a problem with everyone creating unique computer/code entries but it seems repetitive. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.