One solution is to create a dynamic output, and save all the Calculations outputs there.
Here is a working example,
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, submit, run
from aiida.calculations.arithmetic.add import ArithmeticAddCalculation
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida import load_profile, orm
class AddMultiplyWorkChain(WorkChain):
def define(cls, spec):
spec.expose_inputs(ArithmeticAddCalculation, namespace='add')
spec.output_namespace("my_outputs", dynamic=True)
def run_add(self):
inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(ArithmeticAddCalculation, namespace="add"))
for i in range(4):
inputs['y'] = orm.Int(i)
label = f"add_{i}"
future = self.submit(ArithmeticAddCalculation, **inputs)
self.to_context(**{label: future})
def inspect_run(self):
"""Collect outputs"""
my_outputs = {}
for i in range(4):
label = f"add_{i}"
my_outputs[label] = {}
process = getattr(self.ctx, label)
for key in process.outputs._get_keys():
my_outputs[label][key] = getattr(process.outputs, key)
self.out("my_outputs", my_outputs)
code = orm.load_code("add@localhost")
run(AddMultiplyWorkChain, **{"add": {"code": code, "x": orm.Int(1), "y": orm.Int(2)}})
You will find outputs similar to
Outputs PK Type
--------------------- ---- ----------
remote_folder 5746 RemoteData
retrieved 5750 FolderData
sum 5754 Int
remote_folder 5747 RemoteData
retrieved 5751 FolderData
sum 5755 Int
remote_folder 5748 RemoteData
retrieved 5752 FolderData
sum 5756 Int
remote_folder 5749 RemoteData
retrieved 5753 FolderData
sum 5757 Int
You can also try aiida-workgraph, in which you can launch a dynamic number of sub-process. In the workgraph, one does not need to expose the outputs, and you will have access to all sub-process nodes.
Here is the same example using aiida-workgraph
from aiida_workgraph import WorkGraph
data = range(4)
wg = WorkGraph("test")
for i in data:
add =, name=f"add_{i}",
code=code, x=orm.Int(1), y=orm.Int(i)
# You can also use submit directly
# wg.submit(wait=True, timeout=100)
# get the outputs of add_0
print("outputs: ", wg.nodes["add_0"].node.outputs)
In case, you submit the job without waiting, you can load the WorkGraph
later using its pk
from aiida_workgraph import WorkGraph
wg = WorkGraph.load(pk)
print("outputs: ", wg.nodes["add_0"].node.outputs)