Hi @jusong.yu , i will share you the details
my personal machine has:
✔ version: AiiDA v2.4.1
✔ config: /Users/ogaa/.aiida
✔ profile: AndresOrtegaGuerrero
✔ storage: Storage for 'AndresOrtegaGuerrero' [open] @ postgresql://aiida_qs_ogaa_19acf89387654dacae1d6dbe285b9eb7:***@localhost:5432/AndresOrtegaGuerrero_ogaa_19acf89387654dacae1d6dbe285b9eb7 / DiskObjectStoreRepository: 8be926fae05f4e6d95054f4bf44bcb3f | /Users/ogaa/.aiida/repository/AndresOrtegaGuerrero/container
✔ rabbitmq: Connected to RabbitMQ v3.12.4 as amqp://guest:guest@
✔ daemon: Daemon is running with PID 6428
and in the container
✔ version: AiiDA v2.4.1
✔ config: /home/jovyan/.aiida
✔ profile: default
✔ storage: Storage for 'default' [open] @ postgresql://aiida:***@localhost:5432/aiida_db / DiskObjectStoreRepository: 406d090665c941ef98807cc2109af721 | /home/jovyan/.aiida/repository/default/container
✔ rabbitmq: Connected to RabbitMQ v3.9.13 as amqp://guest:guest@
✔ daemon: Daemon is running with PID 253