Implementing the Flux scheduler from LLNL

Hi @nkeilbart, when I try to bring a local scheduler for AiiDAlab, I was checking both Flux and hyperqueue.

I think those two are fit for the same goal to have a lightweight scheduler in your local machine. I finally decide to use hyperqueue because it can request for a more grind CPU allocation which is our requirement for the AiiDAlab container that may runs on the container that has non-integer cores allocated.

You can try the aiida-hyperqueue to see if it fit your goal.
Here is how I set up an aiida computer (localhost) for hyperqueue scheduler: aiidalab-qe/before-notebook.d/ at main · aiidalab/aiidalab-qe · GitHub

Here is how I start the hyperqueue service to submit the job: aiidalab-qe/before-notebook.d/ at main · aiidalab/aiidalab-qe · GitHub (basically, start the server and then start a worker with given number of cores)

But for sure, feel free to try to implement Flux scheduler plugin.